I'm currently located by Battle Creek, MI and I can always be reached through my 

e-mail for consultation, information or to set up an investigation.  If you need a team 

to come to a location we can help you out.  We mainly investigate in South Central Michigan,

North West Ohio, North East and North Central Indiana. Our service itself is free. 

We are always open to, and look forward to any community involvement, whether that is

providing information and answering questions, conducting haunted history walks, 

organizing and leading group investigations, etc. just ask.

We are always looking for serious members!  Reach out if interested and we can discuss 

the procedure.  

You can reach me through fearinvestigation@yahoo.com or through fpi.fear@gmail.com 


If there are any concerns please let me know either by phone, private message, or pull me to the side if we are out somewhere.  You can call me at home anytime to discuss any questions or concerns.